
UnrealCV is an open source project created by students of Johns Hopkins University and Peking University. The development of it is under the supervision of Prof. Alan Yuille and Prof. Yizhou Wang.

UnrealCV is hosted in Github and everyone is welcomed to contribute.

  • If you want a new feature for your research or found any bug, please submit an issue in our issue tracker.

  • Want to provide a compiled binary for the community? Please read the guidance in model zoo.

  • Want to learn how to create a game using Unreal Engine 4? Please check their excellent document.

Team Members

UnrealCV is developed and maintained by a group of students working on computer vision (sort alphabetically).

  • Fangwei Zhong: Constructing OpenAI Gym interface for reinforcement learning
  • Siyuan Qiao: Stochastic virtual scene generation
  • Tae Soo Kim: Deep learning for transferable concepts between the real and the virtual environment
  • Weichao Qiu: Constructing virtual worlds to train and diagnose computer vision algorithms
  • Yi Zhang: Algorithm diagnosis with synthetic data
  • Hai Ci: Optimizing the communication pipeline between UE4 and python

Email Us

  • Weichao Qiu:
  • Fangwei Zhong: